Ethics is A branch of philosophy that deals with what is considered to be rightand wrong. ThreeFundamental Tenets of Ethics are, Responsibility which means that you accept the consequences of your decisions and actions, Accountability which means a determination of who is responsible for actions that were taken, and Liability which are a legal concept meaning that individuals have the right to recover the damages done to them by other individuals, organizations, or systems. The Four Categories of Ethical Issues are , Privacy Issues involve collecting, storing and disseminating information about individuals, Accuracy Issues involve the authenticity, fidelity and accuracy of information that is collected and processed, Property Issues involve the ownership and value of information, and Accessibility Issues revolve around who should have access to information and whether they should have to pay for this access.
Privacy is the right to be left alone and to be free of unreasonable personal intrusions. Court decisions have followed two rules, First, The right of privacy is not absolute.Your privacy must be balanced against the needs of society. Second, The public’s right to know is superior to the individual’s right of privacy. Personal Information in Databases. Information about individuals is being kept in many databases: banks, utilities co., govt. agencies, …etc.; the most visible locations are credit-reporting agencies. Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian are the three best known credit reporting agencies. Social Networking Sites often include electronic discussions such as chat rooms. These sites appear on the Internet, within corporate intranets, and on blogs.A blog(Weblog) is an informal, personal journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public reading. Social Networking Sites Can Cause You Problems.Anyone can post derogatory information about you anonymously. The second article shows students how information they (or others) post to social networking sites can impact their lives, in particular, their job search.This information may take the form of text, images, etc.
Many Factors Increasing the Threats to Information Security, International organized crime turning to cybercrime, Downstream liability, Increased employee use of unmanaged devices, and Lack of management support. Downstream liability occurs when Company A’s systems are attacked and taken over by the perpetrator.Company A’s systems are then used to attack Company B.Company A could be sued successfully by Company B, if Company A cannot prove that it exercised due diligence in securing its systems.Due diligence means that a company takes all necessary security precautions, as judged by commonly accepted best practices.Unmanaged devices are those outside the control of the IT department.Examples include devices in hotel business centers, customer computers, computers in restaurants such as McDonalds, Paneras, Starbucks, etc. Lack of management support takes many forms: insufficient funding, technological obsolescence, and lack of attention.
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